We are your best friend and adviser when you need help,
guidance, and a little expertise.


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    The First Consultation Is FREE

    The purpose of our first consultation is to identify the marketing issues facing your organization. The laws of branding and marketing are easy to learn, but applying them to each individual client’s situation takes skill.

    The goal isn’t just to give advice. The point is to create a crystal idea for both the company management and your clients. It is also highly important to understand why this idea will be the best solution for your business.

    Focusing your business on a single idea is the key to building a prosperous business. We start by discovering the single idea your business can own in the mind of your customers and prospects. Then we create a marketing strategy designed to drive your business into the mind using your name, position, advertising, PR, etc.

    There is a person (group of managers) in every company who is in charge of marketing activities. This can be either be the owner, CEO or specially invited manager. But the owner or CEO already has enough other responsibilities to deal with. The average manager may not be knowledgeable enough to perform company tasks and a professional marketing specialist can potentially be a bit expensive to solve the local advertising/marketing problems. Professional agencies very often scare companies with their high price. That is why many companies today are faced with employee turnover problems on the “marketing manager” position.

    • Now we can offer you an EXCLUSIVE SOLUTION to this problem.
    • We will be responsible for all your marketing/advertising fuss.
    • And you will pay us LESS than you would be paying for your “marketing manager”!


    Firstly, we have to determine the scope of a job, your position on the market and your goals for the nearest future. Depending on the volume and complexity of the problem, we work out together our weekly renumeration (usually this amount is less than your average payment to your marketing manager). The rest we’ll do ourselves. You can relax and concentrate on the other aspects of your growing business.


    Create your Concept of Positioning
    Work out your Promotional Program
    Develop marketing strategy and advertising plan
    Coordinate all necessary information
    Offer the most efficient promotional options
    Communicate with all media on your behalf
    Monitor and analyse the market changes
    Provide you with the best marketing/advertising specialists

    And many other routine and boring things


    From the day we start working together, you’ll never have to be alone with your business. You will have your Online Personal Manager there whenever you need him. We’ll be in your corner ready to help you, advise you and support you. This is both the most popular and the most valuable service we have ever offered. If you have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to grow your business, this is it.

    If you are not going to sell your business and start a new carrier as a marketing specialist, trust the experts.

    Infinite Profit invites you

    to discuss any opportunity of

    our mutual cooperation.




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