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    To effectively promote a product/service/company it is vitally important to create

    Concept Of Positioning

    for this brand in the mind of potential consumers.

    The concept consists of 3 parts:


    Loyal Customer;

    Competitive Advantage

    Each part answer one simple, but very important question:

    Ideology – What for does the customer need this product/service?

    Loyal Customer – For who? Who is ready to buy it just now?

    Competitive Advantage – Why is this product better?

    Brand ideology

    In this part of Concept, it is necessary to identify the key characteristics of the product/service/company from the point of view of the potential consumer. The following details should be fully analyzed here:

    General characteristics (name, identity, corporate style, category)
    What does it give to the consumer, which idea does it carry
    What kind of customer’s problems does it solve
    Classify, with whom it competes in main categories

    As a result of this analysis we can generate an idea that will distinguish the company from similar on the market and fix it in the customer’s mind.

    Loyal Customer

    To be successful, you need to focus on customers. Consumers – not just one link in the business chain – they are the only thing you should think about if the purpose of business is to maximize profit. People who spend the money by buying a particular product/service are the heart of every business. The main question: who will buy the product? It is vitally important to define the “face” of the customer: motivation, values, psychological portrait. And answer the following question: how this product/service/company may attract this particular buyer.

    There is no “Product for Everybody”. There is no “average” consumer. Need to define a core group of the most loyal customers and concentrate on it. It is important to determine the psychology of existing and potential customers: what in particular they like in this product/service, what kind of emotions move them to spend the money, what kind of their problems may be solved with this product/service, etc. Using this approach, we can restrict the abstract circle of potential buyers to the segment of potentially loyal customers (by the law of Pareto, 20% of customers generate 80% of profits). The question is not how many people are on the market, but how many of them want to buy this product and have the opportunities to do so.

    Competitive Advantage

    Having developed ideology by examining the buyer’s needs and motivation, you can continue with the third step: the definition of competitive advantage of a particular product to a specific customer. How to put product/service in the consumer’s mind, how to attract customers? Be different – it means to be unlike others. Be unique – it is to be a one of a kind. Competitive advantages are the main bridge between the uniqueness of the company and the customer’s mind. It is vitally important to identify them correctly.

    Competitive advantages may be as follows: The unique, exclusive product/service, one of the kind Service level (respect) Membership of a particular group Belonging to the certain environment The secret of the brand – in pleasure, which we receive by buying and possessing the product. Thus, we need to find the main difference, which will distinguish the product/service/company among competitors and gain a foothold in the minds of potential customers. This difference has to be emotionally close to the customer.

    The Concept Of Positioning will determine what potential customer should know about the product/service/company and who is he. When we have a clear vision of the product/company and know enough about the customer’s needs, we can distinctly identify the product/service/company and fix its image in the consumer’s mind. It will be easy to check out the competition and determine the direction of future development